Doris’ Beliefs: Witness of Jesus Christ

jesus christ witness mormonI have been blessed to live a life where I was always aware of Jesus Christ and of His role in my life as Savior and Brother. Hand in hand with this knowledge is the reality that I am also a daughter of God. This knowledge has blessed my life every day in very specific ways. I have a confidence in myself and in my abilities; a confidence that has nothing to do with my talents or capabilities, but rests solely on the fact that I have inherent, eternal value as a daughter of a Heavenly Father. This has given me the courage and determination to try many things in my life that I feel completely incapable of succeeding in on my own. However, I have pushed forward because I know that it is what God wants of me, no matter how poorly I may feel I perform. If He asks, I will give it my best.

I feel grateful for the Atonement of my Savior in very tender, personal ways, many of which cannot be shared because there is simply no way to talk about them. However, there are still many things that can and should be said. I am so grateful for the testimony I have of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that He was and is literally the begotten Son of God. I know that He lived a life on this earth, that He chose to give His life for the salvation of mankind. I know that before He gave His life He suffered for the sins and the sorrows of this world. I know that after He gave His life He literally rose again. I know that He lives today. He was not just a man who taught good principles and lived a good life while on this earth; He is the Creator of this earth and continues to rule next to God.

The power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ in my life is something I try to use every day. So many times I fall short. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by how far I still have to go. I continue judging people when I know I shouldn’t. I make snap judgments about other children of God. I really try to remember that they are just as loved of Him as I am, and that I have a responsibility to love them, too. That is really not an easy thing to do, but I continue to try. His ultimate proof of love for me means I can become more like Him, if I do not give up. I am so grateful for the unconditional love that Jesus Christ has for me and for each of us, because just as I will not give up on myself, no matter how hard things may become, I will also not lose faith in the goodness and potential of others.