I know that Jesus Christ lives. I haven’t seen Him face to face but I have felt His love in my life. I have found lots of hope knowing that because of my Redeemer I can see my family again after this life. Because of Christ’s resurrection and atonement I know that I can be forgiven of my mistakes and return to God. I know that He loves me unconditionally and gave His life for Jesus Christ Mormonme. I am not perfect but know that Jesus suffered for my sins/mistakes so that I could repent and return to God. As I’ve had faith in Him, I’ve seen miracles around me and received sufficient strength to endure my personal trials and challenges. I know that I have never been alone in my struggles and that my Savior can buoy me up when all seems hopeless. He is a constant source of hope, strength, and light when all seems dark, alone, and lost.

I have learned of Christ for myself by pondering the teachings in the scriptures and listening to the witness of modern prophets and apostles from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (inadvertently called the “Mormon Church” by others). (See “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles”.) Some of my favorite scriptures and testimonies of him include Isaiah’s prophecies in The Bible (Isaiah 53: 4-7) and when Christ visited the ancient inhabitants in the Americas as recorded in The Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 11:9-17). I know for myself that my Redeemer exists because of the witness of peace, calm, happiness, and unspeakable joy I’ve felt upon learning of Him. This has blessed my life in so many ways.

In Spain, I met a woman that had never heard of Christ and shared my beliefs with her concerning Him. She began to read and study about His life in the scriptures and at church. She became a different person. Each time that I saw her she seemed happier and her eyes glowed with a light as she learned for herself that Jesus Christ was her Savior. I’ve had several people say they’ve seen a light in my eyes and this may come from my love for Christ and desire to be like Him. Jesus himself has pleaded with us several times in the scriptures to “Come unto Him” and I believe He is waiting for us with loving arms outstretched.


Additional Resources:

Learn more about Mormon beliefs at the official site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Request a free copy of the Book of Mormon.

Find a local church meetinghouse.